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Our Beautiful and Evil Music

Our music is of the highest ultra high quilty msuic 4k 255mpf. This musi will the sound great with Keegan Sanderson official headphones of realnes. Please subscribe to the Kanderson yotube chanel for it is the best youtbue channel in existance.

Album / Song Runtime Link Description Cover
L.E.O 01:17 https://kslc.bandcamp.com/track/l-e-o The beautiful first single by Kanderson!
N.M.M 13:45 https://kslc.bandcamp.com/album/n-m-m The first studio album by Kanderson. A masterful 9 tracks telling a beautiful story of a fight with a calm ending.
T.T.R.K.S.M.S 07:50 https://kslc.bandcamp.com/album/t-t-r-k-s-m-s The first and only EP by Kanderson featuring his first experimentation. Evil, evil, evil!!
Sounds of Evil 02:21:32 https://kslc.bandcamp.com/album/sounds-of-evil The second studio album by Kanderson.
Atmospheric Evil Noise Vol. 1 01:03:58 https://kslc.bandcamp.com/album/atmospheric-evil-noise-vol-1 Interlude album between Sounds of Evil and Sounds of Evil: Evil.
Dear Mohameds Typhlosion 02:23 https://kslc.bandcamp.com/track/dear-mohameds-typhlosion Single for the new album! Sounds of Evil: Evil dropping in January 2025!
The Halloween Extended Play 10:04 https://kslc.bandcamp.com/album/the-halloween-extended-play Prelude EP for the new album.. featuring new spooky sounds, and a new feature for every song.. oooooo... evil..

An ode to nickmusicmedia.000webhost.com, depreiated, but not forgotten

The deepest Keeglandian blessings to

In the realm of pixels, where melodies flowed,
Lived a site called NickMusicMedia,
A sanctuary of sound, where dreams bestowed,
With two cherished albums, a vibrant idea.

First came N.M.M, a tapestry bright,
Threads of passion woven in every song,
Echoing whispers in the still of the night,
A chorus of voices, where all could belong.

Then The Keegan Outro, a final refrain,
A bittersweet journey, a heartfelt goodbye,
Notes lingered softly, like drops of rain,
A testament to joy, as time passed by.

But shadows crept in, the servers grew cold,
A slow fading echo, a once-bustling hive,
With each passing moment, stories untold,
As the digital world struggled to survive.

The albums lay dormant, their brilliance unseen,
Once vibrant and lively, now lost in the fray,
NickMusicMedia, a bittersweet dream,
Faded away into the ether, astray.

Now silence remains where music once danced,
A memory etched in the hearts of the few,
Though the site has been shuttered, its spirit advanced,
In the echoes of songs, it will carry on too.

- Chatius Gapt

NickMusicMedia lives on as the label we release under.

Our music vidoes

Dear Mohameds Typhlosion

This is the Music video for our new single for the new album which is Sounds of Evil: Evil which is a sequel to sounds of Evil

Soundtracks of Evil

This was a single from Sounds of evil and it is also on sounds of evil but this is not the full evil version the full evil version is on the album at here

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