Keegan Sanderson has Commited Many Offenses Against Numerous People: What Can We Do?
Some people may know of Keggan Sanderson and the recent offenses he has commited against humanity as a whole. You very well could've been one of the main victims of his horrendous offenses. Did you know you had a way to fight back? Click the link for more info on suing Sanderson and making a large sum of money as a byproduct!
What Offenses were Commited?
Keegan has done many things including the following:
Offended numerous people with rude "Your Mom" Jokes
Destroyed property belonging to innocent US citizens
Stole a cup of lemonade from a 6 year old child's stand
Made delcious pumpkin pie
And many more
If any of these offenses apply to you, Click the button to be redirected to the Lawsuit Corps.
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