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The Republic Of Keegan

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An example ID from The Republic of Keegan, you could get one yourself!

What is The Republic of Keegan?

The Republic of Keegan is country in the Middle Eastern region of Africa, located inbetween Egypt and Sudan. The previously unclaimed "Bir Tawil" has now been put to use in the form of our republic.

The republic is the offical home and headquarters of the Keegan Lawsuit Corporation, with a population (formed of only joint citizens) of 5, and soon to be more. Our leader, President Keegan Sanderson of KLW, believes in the best for the country, the company, and his people.

President Keegan Sanderson standing on top of Mount Keegan, The Republic of Keegan, in front of his glouius city and HQ.

From humble beginnings...

As a wise man said, "short is not always bad, big is not always good." Our country is the embodiment of this wisdom. Although we have a short history and not a big size, we pay for it in rich history (and personality).

Our history starts on October 19th, 2022, when the KLC founder, Noah Thorp, created the Keegan Lawsuit Corporation and its historic website. After slowing adding to it, and adding people to his staff, the website became more and more rich in content, and rich is legal material against our enemy, Keegan Sanderson.

Shortly after bringing OUR Keegan Sanderson (not the one being sued), we thought it would be a great idea to make him our mascot. This spawned a chain of events leading from merch, to the Keegan Sanderson AI experience, to The Republic of Keegan. After a bloody and horrible civil war against Egypt and Sudan, we came out victorius, claiming Bir Tawil as our own, under
The Republic of Keegan.

The constitution of The Republic Of Keegan, reading out "We the people of the Keegan Sanderson Lawsuit Corporation have claimed Bir Tawil and plan to make it the location of our country, The republic of Keegan (TROK for short). I plan to see you all there at the opening ceremony of The republic of Keegan and thank you for your continued support. Kindest regards, Keegan Sanderson"

Geographical and political map of The Republic of Keegan

A political map of The Republic of Keegan

Governing a country is hard work, so we had to make compromise. The Republic of Keegan is split into 4 states and 1 federal territory: Noahvada, Nickbraska, Dyladiho Territories, Jayselahoma, and the capital territory: Keeglandia.

Keeglandia: The beautiful capital of TROK holding the capital city!

Noahvada: Beautiful desert, hot weather, great for tourism, great food!

Nickbraska: One of the biggest states, running through the Keegan Desert, the Keeganian Flatlands, Mt. Keegan, and Keegan Valley!

Jayselahoma: The protector of our capital: Keeglandia

Dyladiho: A very hilly state, running straight through Mt. Keegan!

A geographical map of The Republic of Keegan

The Keegan Desert: Go around on camels and watch life go on in our beautiful country!

Keeganian Flatlands: The most populus state in TROK! Come here and settle and live a peaceful life!

Mt. Keegan: The highest point in TROK, come here and watch everyone live their lives and see the beautiful states in action.

Keegan Valley: Come down and explore through the Keegan Valley, look at wildlife and plants here!

Keeganian Colonies

As of now, Keeglandia only has one established colony. Managed and run by Jacob DeKeeg, it resides in the Strait of Melaca at 5°25'23.7"N 100°20'26.4"E slightly outside of Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. It was annexed in the summer of 2024 on an unknown date.

A map of the outside of Jacobopolis

Home to Keeglandias top scientists and facilities, Jacobopolis helps with the production of most of the goods the Republic of Keegan needs to be self-sufficent.

You may or may not.. may not.. be asking.. where do they do all this? It's just a puny, small, insignificant, and pathetic little rock in a vast sea. That, my friend, is where you are mistaken. Under this rock, your wildest dreams come true, for this rock, it is only the door to something much, much greater.

A map of the inside of Jacobopolis

The Keeglandian Keg!

The Keeglandian Keg (Ƙ) is the standalone currency of Keeglandia. They have strong purchasing power (as demonstrated below) and can be used to purchase our merchandise. Previously voted 10th most stable currency in the world, it currently rests at about 0.0018USD conversion rate.

The future of The Republic...

What do we have planned for the future of the Republic? Thanks for asking, this is what..
• Keegan Sanderson animation industry
• Keegan industrialsation
• Running for President of the World
• Worldwide Keeganian influence, starting in Egypt, ending in Micronesia

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